2014 Happy New Year!!!
钟表,可以回到起点, 却已不是昨天; 日历,撕下一页简单, 把握一天很难。
2013只剩最后1天, 若是美好,叫做精彩; 若是糟糕,叫做经历。
随着年龄的增长, 我们不是失去了一些朋友, 而是懂得了谁才是真正的朋友!
缘分万千,顺其自然;以心换心,才能永远 !
祝福所有的朋友和家人:旧历圆满,新岁飘香!2014 新年快乐!
钟表,可以回到起点, 却已不是昨天; 日历,撕下一页简单, 把握一天很难。
2013只剩最后1天, 若是美好,叫做精彩; 若是糟糕,叫做经历。
随着年龄的增长, 我们不是失去了一些朋友, 而是懂得了谁才是真正的朋友!
缘分万千,顺其自然;以心换心,才能永远 !
祝福所有的朋友和家人:旧历圆满,新岁飘香!2014 新年快乐!
“When Shanghai meets Prague” exhibition – Visit nixie tubes made by Dalibor at Shanghai Museum of Glass.
刚进捷克艺术展馆,摆在入口中间重要位置的,就是我的好友/捷克玻璃工艺大师/资深辉光管爱好者 Dalibor的辉光钟作品,当然,这两颗仅有的辉光管就是Dalibor本人手工制作的。
在设计之初,Dalibor在问我,他想将这个作品起名叫“Shanghai Time”,让我帮忙给起一个中文名字,想来想去,还是觉得“上海时光”比较贴切。
展览时间从2013年12月11日 至 2014年3月11日,历时4个月,上海玻璃博物馆在上海市宝山区长江西路685号,希望上海的朋友可以亲自前去观赏。
2013.10.19-20上海创客嘉年华『NixieClockHome | 辉光钟之家』将展出所有作品 (37号展台),诚邀各位朋友莅临现场。
地址:上海杨浦区淞沪路290号 创智天地广场
最后更新日期 | Latest Update 3/12/2018:
以下引用自他的文章 (原文链接 https://0x7d.com/2017/nixie-tube-clock/#Nixie_Power_Supply):“If you are looking for a good off-the-shelf power supply, YanZeyuan’s NCH6100HV is a pretty good choice. As a word of warning, don’t get the cheaper knockoffs as they use inferior components. The fake one I got was capable of sourcing ~200V but could only source 8mA compared to the 40mA from the NCH6100HV. The NCH8200HV is also a good choice if you are looking for a smaller high efficiency (86% @ 17mm × 18mm!) power supply.”
译文:如果你需要一款(辉光管)的电源,严泽远的NCH6100HV是个非常好的选择。不过需要注意,不要买市面上的假货。我买过的假货可以提供~200V的电压,但是只能提供8mA的电流,而严泽远的NCH6100HV可以提供40mA电流!如果你正在寻找体积更小、效率更高的辉光管高压电源,NCH8200HV也是一个很好的选择,他可以做到高达86%的转换效率,体积只有17mm x 18mm。
以下是购买链接 | Where to buy the genuine NCH products:
中国 China:
NCH6100HV: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22046131143
NCH8200HV: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=556285148260
Direct in China 中国直销: Email yan@nixieclock.org
美国 USA:
Amazon 亚马逊:
NCH6100HV: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074N5LVFH
NCH8200HV: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074S2T7X3
Direct in US 美国直销:Email aiden@nixie.ai
为此,经过对市场上众多同类产品的对比和筛选,Nixie Clock Home的新款红外线遥控器全新升级!
自从白菜VFD 128×64在市场上出现以来,相信有不少朋友都过了把VFD的瘾,尤其是在kazuyuki的带领下一路过来,版本已经升级到了V7。
IV-18 (ИВ-18) the VFD tubes Clock DIY kit published last month, the housing assembly process is a little more complicated, so these two days with Solidworks drawn complete set of 3D assembly guide pictures for your reference.
The housing assembly process is carried out in accordance with the illustration, any questions please leave a message or email me!
IV-22 VFD Module | 荧光管模块 设计之初就考虑到了外接电源与I、O接口的连接问题,同QS30-1辉光管显示模块一样,我也为她设计了专用的Adapter转接板。
VFD tube, vacuum fluorescent display, which was invented in Japan in 1967, typifies the display component of the vacuum electronic era.
Just as the Nixie Tube, VFD tube is also on the verge of extinction. It has been fade out from modern applications since the 1990’s. Young generations may have never seen its limpid cyan fluorescence, given life by the intelligence of the last century.
With the same concept of developing the Nixie Tube module for Arduino, in order to make the VFD tube reborn, combined antiquated electronics with modern technology, the VFD tube module is developed as independent blocks. Without headaches about high-voltage generation, logical driver, soldering, geekers can focus their time and energy on achieving the design idea of the final works. Meanwhile, for designers with no electronic background, Arduino is all they need, of which 4 I/O pins can supply full control on a dozens of VFD tube modules with individual RGB led background lights. Other MCU systems or developer kits would do the same.
Thanks aGuegu for testing my VFD tube moudle first-handed and developmet of its Arduino library.
The technology of VFD is still widely used nowadays, however, no more in tubes. VFD screen is Hi-fi equiment, Automobile instrument panels. This device consists of a hot cathode (filaments), anodes (phosphor) and grids encased in a glass envelope under a high vacuum condition. The cathode is made up of fine tungsten wires, coated by alkaline earth metal oxides, which emit electrons when heated by an electric current. These electrons are controlled and diffused by the grids, which are made up of thin metal. If electrons impinge on the phosphor-coated plates, they fluoresce, emitting light. Constract to the Nixie tube, it requires lower supply voltage, which means is safer and longer life expectancy.
This module application use model IV-22 (ИВ-22) VFD tube, dimensioned as a rectangle of 32mm * 22mm. It display on top with 12 pins. These batch of tube were mass manufactured in former Soviet Union during the Cold War, whereas, they are stored in warehouse corners and being forgotten. But its material guarantees its unlimited shelf life.
The specifications of IV-22 VFD tube:
1. High vacuum inside, unlike the inertia in nixie tube.
2. Lower vlotage requirement and energy consumption. The filament voltage is between 1.0 and 1.3 volt, working both on DC and AC. The voltage of anodes (phosphor) against grids is 22-30v. The current in filament is 100mA, while 4-10mA in grids.
3. Seven-segment digital display, can present decimal figures and basic letters.
4. Cyan colored, bright light with high contrast, visible even in daylight, and not Glare.
Check some photos, and more description comes afterwards.